How Using ProdOps Has Significantly Reduced My Work Blocks

Jack Pena Avatar



Hi everyone! I’m Jack and I have been with ProdOps since June as a kind of catch-all contractor specializing in engineering. I’ve been focusing a lot on developing the website and the application as well as assisting Amanda, our knock-out Product Leader, and Heather, our brilliant CEO.

Recently, I took a moment to reflect on how much my workflow has improved over the past few months. Since joining the ProdOps team in June, I’ve been having more and more days where I leave my desk feeling truly accomplished and confident that I’m on the right track. As someone who used to struggle with navigating work blocks, I wanted to share how ProdOps has transformed my productivity for the better.

Before ProdOps, my workflow was often riddled with frustrating blocks. I don’t know about you, but I’d typically experience two kinds of blocks. The first type would send me down a massive rabbit hole. I’d start with a simple task, but hours later, I’d find myself completely off-track, lost in a maze of irrelevant information. It’s one of those classic productivity killers that makes you wonder where the day went.

The second type of block was just as annoying—these were the tasks that felt so difficult that I couldn’t even wrap my head around solving them. I’d end up avoiding these tasks, putting them off for as long as I could, and doing something else entirely to escape the mental strain.

Then I was introduced to ProdOps, and things completely changed for me. The magic lies in the data center, specifically in the integrations with my Github and Notion. ProdOps can store documents, outlines, code, whatever I want, and reference all of it before giving me responses. It’s like having a mentor who knows all the intricate details of my work life right beside me.

Let me give you a more concrete example. I was working on a particularly tricky piece of code related to implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication for our user login system. Typically, I’d fall into the rabbit hole of researching solutions, sifting through countless Stack Overflow posts, reading technical documentation, and, before I knew it, I’d be lost in a random tangent. Usually, this would derail my goals for the day and cause massive frustration. But now, I can go straight to ProdOps and ask specific questions about all of my code to figure out where I’ve gone wrong. It even pulled in code snippets from similar projects I had worked on before and provided me with actionable steps to implement OAuth 2.0 seamlessly. And the best part? ProdOps walks me through every step of its solution, helping me understand the things I missed.

Another instance was when I faced a major roadblock while planning a new feature for a client dashboard. I was overwhelmed by the complexity and didn’t know where to start. Normally, this would be the point where I’d switch tasks and avoid the problem. But ProdOps, being connected to my Notion workspace, broke down the task into manageable chunks and prioritized them according to our project roadmap. Suddenly, what seemed insurmountable became doable. Instead of dread, I now feel optimistic and supported, knowing that ProdOps will help me find a way.

What makes ProdOps even more awesome is how the more you use it, the faster it works with you. From reusable prompt templates to the comprehensive data center, I find the more time I spend there, the less time it takes me to accomplish tasks. 

Since adopting ProdOps, my productivity has skyrocketed, and my work blocks have decreased significantly. It’s not that I never encounter blocks anymore—I do—but I now have the tools to navigate through them effectively. I’m more focused, less stressed, and a lot more efficient.

If you’re a Product Manager or an engineer constantly battling workflow blocks, I can’t recommend ProdOps enough. The integration with tools you already use, combined with its intelligent, generative AI insights, makes it one of the best productivity tools out there.

Give it a try and you might find, just like I did, that there’s no going back!

Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions in the comments—I’d love to hear how ProdOps is working for you or help you get started!

Till next time!

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