Inspiration from the Olympics: Lessons in Teamwork for Product Managers

Heather Bourdaux Avatar



As the excitement of the Olympics sweeps the world, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the parallels between the intense and intoxicating world of sports and the equally challenging realm of product management. I’ve always believed that inspiration and learning can come from anywhere, and this isn’t the first time I’ve looked to sports. I have read the great UCLA coach John Wooden’s books more times that I can possibly count, and even constructed some team meetings around his Pryramid for success way back in the day. “Finding the Winning Edge” by Bill Walsh, “Open” by Andre Agassi, and “All the Rage” by Charles Hayley are books that have a permanent place on my shelf and in my life philosophy, revisited countless times over the years.

What has been resonating with me most over these last few days is the undeniable importance of team in both sports and software delivery. Even in sports where the spotlight is on an individual—think tennis or sprinting—there’s a whole team behind the scenes making those individual successes possible. Coaches, trainers, managers, and strategists all play pivotal roles.

1. The Power of Teamwork

This concept of teamwork is equally essential in product management. Just as athletes need a strong network to succeed, so too does a successful product manager. A PM needs to orchestrate the efforts of engineers, designers, marketers, and countless other stakeholders to bring a product to life.

2. The Playbook: Your North Star

In sports, playing from the same playbook is crucial for success. It defines the common goal, outlines the strategy, and encompasses the techniques and processes that will help the team win. For product managers, the playbook is the Product Roadmap, Product Vision Document, or the OKR; guiding documents that ensures everyone understands the vision, the roadmap, and the steps needed to bring a product to market—and do so successfully.

3. A Winning System

Just as important as teamwork and having a centralized playbook is having a systematic process that defines how you execute. In sports, this might be the rigorous workout schedules, the strategic studying of opponents, or pre-season meetings to align on goals and strategies.

For software delivery, the system could involve a range of operational processes: reading and analyzing customer feedback every morning to stay in tune with user needs, conducting retrospectives after every sprint to learn and adapt, or the ritual of agile planning poker to ensure everyone’s voice is heard and valued in planning sessions. These systematic routines keep the team aligned, informed, and sharp.

Coaching Your Team to Success

As a Product Manager, you’re like the coach of your team. You’re the one who keeps the playbook a living document, always up-to-date with the latest strategies and shifts in the market. You ensure that everyone not only knows the playbook but is also an active part of it. You lead the charge when needed, working tirelessly to navigate your team through complex challenges. But you also know when it’s time to step back, sit on the sidelines, and cheer on your team, giving them the space to shine.

Sports and product management both demand a delicate balance of leadership and collaboration. It’s about knowing when to take the helm, when to delegate, and when to cheer from the sidelines. It’s about ensuring everyone is aligned, motivated, and playing to their strengths.

Closing Thoughts

So, as you watch the Olympics unfold, take a moment to appreciate the intricate team efforts behind every single achievement. And remind yourself that, as a product manager, you’re orchestrating your own team towards gold. With a strong team, a clear playbook, and a robust system, great things can happen.

Let’s get the gold.

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