Optimizing Product Delivery with the Power of AI

Heather Bourdaux Avatar



As someone who’s spent well over 25 years leading product delivery and process for some of the biggest companies out there, I’ve witnessed firsthand the myriad challenges that plague software development. The challenges are industry agnostic, and are experienced in even the most well-run organizations, with the most brilliant teams. If you’re in the tech industry, I’m certain you, too, are familiar with the issues that stifle innovation and delay delivery, simultaneously impacting team satisfaction and business growth. 

To this point, a couple of the many statistics that highlight how fraught with inefficiency modern software delivery processes can be:

  • 62% of the workday is lost to repetitive, mundane tasks (Asana’s Anatomy of Work Global Index) 
  • It takes an average of eight months for a newly hired employee to reach full productivity. (Harvard Business Review

How to Address the Inefficiencies in Product Development?   

At Revelry, we believed we could accelerate and improve the product delivery process. We knew we could use generative AI to do it (to create many of the artifacts that we’ve created manually for years), but we weren’t sure if we should. Would there be enough value? Would the results be good enough to keep product managers and engineers coming back? Could we build a product we wouldn’t want to work without?     

Yes, Yes and Yes – with ProdOps  

ProdOps, the latest product built by Revelry, has supercharged the way we build software. User story creation, a once arduous task of pure tedium, now flickers by in a swift 10 seconds. Bug triaging that once took a team hours of detective work now concludes with rapid, precise AI-led analysis – all in seconds. New team members are productive almost immediately, because ProdOps shows them exactly what they need, in the moment they need it, by synthesizing volumes of existing documentation and entire repositories of code.      

But let’s talk about where ProdOps’ true value lies: empowering and augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them. With ProdOps, generative AI bears the brunt of the monotonous tasks, liberating our teams to focus on what really matters – crafting stellar software that meets and exceeds both partner and end-user needs.

Our confidence in ProdOps’ potential isn’t just talk; it’s integral to Revelry’s operations. We built ProdOps using ProdOps. Product Roadmaps, User Guides, Architectural Decision Records, User Stories, Release Notes, Feature Prioritization – all came from the application. Our concept has come full circle: an AI-powered platform built by AI-enhanced productivity, showcasing the tangible benefits our customers can rejoice in, too.

Generative AI isn’t a looming specter over the workforce; it’s a catalyst for unleashing human potential. It provides a beacon for where the industry can go when we harness this technology wisely. At ProdOps, we’re not just riding the wave of innovation; we’re steering it. 

Would I ever run a software development project without ProdOps?  Not a chance. 

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